IDC Data Center

The modular data center solution is the mainstream and leading application solution in the industry today. It is widely used in large, medium and small computer rooms in various industries and is highly recognized by industry experts and users. Including Tencent, Alibaba, National Supercomputing Center, national banks, various national and provincial and municipal government units, various hosting IDCs and cloud computing centers are widely used, and its convenience, scalability, low operating costs (energy saving and high efficiency) ), highly manageable, clean and beautiful.

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Product Details:

The construction of a data center (or computer room) includes multiple disciplines, and each discipline is inextricably linked. It is necessary to consider the overall situation and proceed from the overall situation to coordinate the various disciplines.

Adopt high-reliability design standards to provide a stable and reliable basic environment and design for applications.

Take effective measures in terms of fire prevention, waterproofing, anti-theft, grounding, lightning protection, electromagnetic interference prevention, noise reduction, etc., and consider special technical measures such as ground load-bearing capacity.

Advancement and practicality
Under the premise of satisfying reliability, adopt advanced and practical technology, equipment and materials.

Convenience of management and maintenance
It is convenient for the staff to conduct centralized management of the environment and the placed equipment, which is convenient for maintenance and repair.

Each subsystem must have flexible system expansion and upgrade capabilities.

Energy saving
All environmental protection materials are used, and the design of the scheme reflects the idea of energy saving.

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The micro-module adopts cold aisle and hot aisle fully enclosed airtight structure, all subsystems are pre-installed in the factory, and the entire cabinet is shipped to the site in a single box. The equipment is very adaptable, and there is no requirement for room decoration. After unpacking on site The installation can be completed by only connecting to the mains, installing the outdoor unit, and connecting the condensate pipe. The connection and pre-commissioning of all internal subsystems have been completed in the factory, and the amount of on-site installation is very small, which completely subverts the traditional construction method of the computer room.

Product composition:

It integrates cabinet system, refrigeration and environmental control system, fire-fighting linkage system, uninterrupted power supply system, power supply and distribution system, monitoring management system, emergency ventilation system, a total of six major subsystems.